Firefly and Ginkgo Leaves
I enjoy the autumn colors, so I like playing with them and folding origami models. I know that the Christmas fever already started for most of you, but I like to prologue as much as possible the Autumn. I promise I just have one more post for this season and then I will also prepare for the winter period.
Since I was little I have been fascinated by ginkgo trees (actually for their leaves). I like how they are fan-shaped, I like their colors and I am amazed about the trees longevity. In one of my traveling posts I made some pictures with a crane and a 1200 years old ginkgo tree:
That's why I am pretty amazed that I didn't try to fold earlier some ginkgo leaves. Well... better late than never. I studied a lot of designs for them and I just fell in love with the design made by Peter Engel. The only drawback that this model has is how the back of the leaf looks like. I associated the leaves with a Firefly sonobe and a Congratulations Crane (to congratulate myself that I finally discovered ginkgo origami leaves - I am kidding :)).
To tell you a secret I am also warming up for the Christmas spirit, so this kusudama arrangement has a little surprise in it.
Model: Firefly sonobe
Designer: Ekaterina Lukasheva
Model: Ginkgo leaf
Designer: Peter Engel
Diagram: "Origami Odyssey" book
Odată pe an, un enorm arbore ginkgo biloba (arborele pagodelor) de 1.400 de ani își prezintă tranziția din toamnă în iarnă în cel mai spectaculos mod – miile de frunze se schimbă într-o radiantă nuanță de auriu.
RăspundețiȘtergereAflat între zidurile templului budist Gu Guan Yin, în regiunea montană chineză Zhongnan, acest peisaj de toamnă incredibil atrage turiști din toate colțurile lumii. Pe măsură ce frunzele cad, se creează un ocean vibrant de aur, iar vizitatorii se înghesuie să fotografieze acest peisaj minunat.
:) Asa si la templul japonez. Sunt superbi!