
I folded a month ago some peacocks for table decorations used at baby baptism party. It reminded me of old times, even before I started this blog, when I folded the same model for a wedding party.  I prefer this design for a peacock even it is modular (it is made from 3 or more pieces of paper) because it emphases on the tail and the paper pattern. I had a special paper then and I had a special paper now... and I was just happy to fold it.
I have to warn you, there are a lot of peacock images here. I made one picture per paper design, I hope you won't get bored with it.
 As a side note, while googling for peacock word to see if I spell it correctly (yes, I am doing this a lot), I found out that the bird is actually called peafowl. The peacock is the male bird and the female is called peahen.


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