Tutorial - School backpack

School is starting on Monday and children are preparing their backpacks. The joy of first day of school has to be spread among the dolls. But they do not have any backpacks. So what's to be done?
Simple: you just have to grab 3 squares of paper (I recommend to be 15 cm squares), scissors, a little bit of glue (even if you don't see glue in the tutorial, you can add some when you add the straps to the backpack) and start folding.
If you want, you can also guide yourself by this video-tutorial.

You will need 3 squares of paper with a15 cm side. One will be used for the back, one for the front and one for the straps and the cover.

Folding the back:

The back is ready!

Folding the front:

The front is ready!

Let's assembly them:

Now, you have to make the straps and the cover. You will use one piece of paper for them and scissors.
Start with the straps:

The straps are ready!

Continue with the cover, made from the paper that remained from step 3 (half of the big square).

Finish the cover and assembly it with the rest of the backpack. 

The backpack is ready! The dolls will be really happy to use it. If they do not know how to share it, you can make more. One for each doll. And use different colors...


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