1 Martie
Happy Spring! Choose to shine among flowers, birds and trees in bloom.
When I finished folding and assembling these Anise kusudama arrangement, I received a pot with snowdrops, so I decided that it was a must to include it in the photo session. Since I also encountered an insta video related to the thermogenic properties of snowdrops, I wrote here some interesting facts about these amazing flowers:
They symbolize new beginnings, hope, and the capacity to triumph over challenges. Since they are the first flowers to appear after Winter, they're
not just a sign of the changing seasons but also a ray of positivity.
The sight of snowdrop shoots poking up through the frozen ground (in the past, full of snow, these days, just full of polluted dust) is one of the first signs that Spring is near. At first, it was thought that their leaves were thermogenic, producing their own heat to melt through the snow, but after, it was discovered that cells of the plant contain antifreeze proteins that prevent the flowers to freeze in cold weather.
Model: Kusudama Anise
Designer: Ekaterina Lukasheva
No. of modules: 30
Model: Mandarin Bird
Designer: Simon Anderson
Tutorial: https://www.paperkawaii.com/origami-bird-tutorial-mandarin-or-seagull-simon-anderson/
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