The Warmth of the Sun

Yellow roses and deep-green leaves. White birds and shiny beads and ribbons. This is my latest origami arrangement. It encapsulates the Summer warmth and light and I hope it will glow until next Spring at least.

For this Hana no Kusudama model, for the big flower ball, I had to cut 248 pieces of paper. 48 pentagonal, 120 from simple squares for flowers, 60 simple squares for Electra and 20 of them triangular. They were grouped as following:

- 60 squares, size: 7 cm, color: dark green, model: Electra (designed by David Mitchell), tutorial on my blog
- 20 triangles, size: 7 cm (the square that is cut in half on the diagonal), color: dark green

- 30 squares, size: 9 cm, color: light yellow, used for the 4-petal flowers
- 30 squares, size: 8 cm, color: light yellow, used for the 4-petal flowers
- 30 squares, size: 6 cm, color: light yellow, used for the 4-petal flowers
- 30 squares, size: 3 cm, color: light yellow, used for the 4-petal flowers

- 12 pentagons, size: 14.8 cm, color: light yellow, used for the 5-petal flowers
- 12 pentagons, size: 13.5 cm, color: light yellow, used for the 5-petal flowers 
- 12 pentagons, size: 12.5 cm, color: pink, used for the 5-petal flowers
- 12 pentagons, size: 4 cm, color: pink, used for the 5-petal flowers

The small flower ball has "only" 90 pieces. This is the first Electra of 30 modules where I made pentagonal flowers instead of origami flowers made from squares. I thought they will fit perfectly in the 5-points holes, but this is not the case. The modules where to long and they did not have enough space to quietly join together. I had to force them a little bit. I will not repeat the experience.

I had some leftovers of the papers I've cut, so I made 3 roses for the ending of the arrangement instead of the usual two.


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