Toamna cu cocori

this autumn
as reason for growing old
a cloud and a bird
            Matsuo Basho - Haiku de toamna
Frunzele cad si cad, de undeva foarte de sus
De parca livezile ar muri in ceruri.
Cad frunzele dar parca fiecare s-ar opune in caderea sa.              Rainer Maria Rilke - Toamna
It’s autumn again
Leaves whisper the sound of our past
In loss they pay a descent
To the ground we fall 
             Andrea Riek - It's autumn again
the wind that blows -
ask them which leaf on the tree
will be next to go
                    Kyoshi Takahama - Haiku
O raza
ce vine goana din apus
Si-aduna aripile si se lasa tremurand
pe-o frunza:
dar prea e grea povara -
si frunza cade.

        Lucian Blaga - Amurgul toamnei


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