Dansul fulgilor de nea

"Si privesc cum ninge
Dragostea mereu invinge, invinge stii bine
Totul straluceste
Zburam impreuna, pe aripi, ca intr-o poveste

Oameni de zapada
Danseaza pe strada
Fulgii se asaza
Totu-n jur valseaza"
Anna Lesko - "Iarna fermecata"


  1. Diafani ca tine si ca tot ce-ti iesi din maini. Basm!!

  2. This is a dream! It's so beautiful!
    Thank you for your kind words, Diana! I stop with my blog and folding models by other authors, but I continue with my Facebook page and my bridals bouquet. :)
    Thank you very much, my dear friend!


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